Winuae 2.3.2 (02.06.2011) -

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Winuae 2.3.2 (02.06.2011) Amiga Emulator

#16 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 24. Juni 2008 - 06:00

WinUAE 1.5.0 (19.06.2008)

Requires Windows 2000 or newer. Does not run on Windows 9x/ME.

New features/improvements:

- Picasso96 emulation rewrite.
* Major speed increase.
* Optimized blitter operations.
* Hardware (flicker free) mouse cursor emulated.
* Picasso96 <> native switch without screen/window reopening if
old and new size matches (instant mode switching).
* Fullscreen to fullscreen switch without desktop flashing.
* Color space conversion, all RTG color depths supported in windowed
mode as long as Windows desktop has same or higher color depth.
* Simple scaling support added, fill to whole screen instead of
switching resolution. (Useful with low resolution games and demos in
windowed mode or if host resolutions like 320x200 are not supported).
* Configurable 15/16/24/32 bit color space formats.
* Important notes if slowdown is noticed:
- Select "NonLocalVRAM" in Misc-panel (if major slowdown)
- Make sure display panel depth setting is same as Picasso96 depth
setting (or tick "Match host and RTG color depth if possible")
Color space conversion is always slower than direct match.
- Filter update.
* Scaling and centering are now more intuitive (NOTE: old settings
are not compatible).
* "FS" scale multiplier added (fill whole screen).
* "1/2" scale multipler added.
* Hq3x and hq4x filters added.
* Onscreen leds are not filtered anymore.
* Keep aspect ratio option added.
* Direct3D/OpenGL filters not yet updated.
- PCMCIA SRAM card emulation, includes real PCMCIA SRAM card support.
- ROM scanner byteswapped and even/odd ROM image support.
- Multithreaded AVI recording, huge speed increase with 2+ core CPUs
- Right mouse button over image selection buttons opens favorites menu
(can add/remove/edit shortcut paths to disk/rom/harddrive images).
- Sprite emulation updates, sprite doublescan support improved
(for example Fantastic Dizzy CD32 background), yet another missing
undocumented feature implemented.
- More compatible with timing changes caused by power saving features.
- Missing uaescsi.device CMD_GETGEOMETRY added.
- Debugger, GUI debugger improvements.
- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation LBA48 (>128G) support.
- Input handling is more Windows-like, only release mouse/joystick/keyboard
when WinUAE loses focus (previously when mouse was not captured)
- Added 1.5M Chip RAM (A600 + 0.5M trap door expansion) and 384M/768/1.5G
Z3 RAM (configures two emulated RAM boards) configurations.
- Configuration file cache implemented, increases initial configuration
list loading speed.
- 5.1 sound settings include center and LFE channel (all 4 channels mixed)

Bug fixes:

- uaenet.device random deadlock fix, NSCMD_DEVICEQUERY works correctly.
- Gayle interrupt handling update.
- CPU emulation fixes, EXTB.L and CHK.L was 68000 (should be 68020+).
- Sprite emulation fix, Super Skid Marks hires mode cars and Marvin's
Marvellous Adventure score/cloud interference.
- "HAM4" and "HAM5" is displayed properly.
- Sound emulation fix, fixes Weird Dreams hospital scene sound problem.
- More compatible CD32 state restore support.
- AGA mode sprite garbage may have appeared in some cases. (1.4.5+)
- DOS formatted HD floppy image crash.
- Rare real harddrive detection crash.
- CD32 compatibility improved (Liberation CD32)
- Display emulation fix, mixed interlaced and non-interlaced modes don't
cause random display errors anymore, same with doublescanned interlaced
modes. (for example hires-mode Pinball Illusions)
- Autoconfig emulation update, Action Replay 3 does not detect
non-existing fast RAM board anymore.
- Many lha/lzh archives mounted as a harddrive crashed.
- Mousehack (tablet) mode works again.
- On the fly mouse/joystick switching crash fix.
- A3000 1.3 SuperKickstart works again.
- Many "non-standard" resolutions were missing in Picasso96 mode.

and more..


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geschrieben 14. August 2008 - 13:40

WinUAE 1.5.1 (12.08.2008)

Major 1.5.0 bugs fixed:

- Failed to start with some display card/driver combinations.
- Regular (non-RDB) OFS formatted hardfiles didn't mount under KS 1.3.
- Memory corruption in configuration file handling causing random
crashes when loading or saving configuration files.
- Configuration files in subdirectories didn't load if configuration
cache was enabled.
- RTG hardware mouse cursor may have been invisible (or had
wrong graphics) in some cases after resolution change.
- Switching between non-interlaced and interlaced modes caused random
"scanline" graphics corruption.

Other bug fixes:

- Built-in HRTMon crashed in JIT modes.
- Interlace modes fixed in "normal" (non-doubled/scanline) modes.
- Fixed borderblank graphics corruption in interlaced modes.
- Fixed possible crashes when switching Windows desktop resolution or
when using quick user switching.
- "Kickstart Replacement" fixed.
- PCMCIA SRAM emulation didn't work in memory expansion mode.
- Emulation paused if "stop sound while inactive/minimzed" was enabled.
- Improved directory filesystem statefile support.
- AVI recording crash if only audio recording was enabled.
- Native DLL support fixed.
- Forced fullscreen refresh rates didn't work in some cases.
- Multiple identical (same serial number) USB game controllers do not
confuse input system anymore.
- Major blitter slowdown in some AGA modes.
- ADF was not updated if disk write was aborted (Cadaver save disk)
- Crash when USB mouse/joystick was removed or inserted before
emulation was started.

New and improved features:

- Added support for Direct3D pixel shader filters (very fast compared
to software filters, pixel shader 2.0+ compatible display card
required), plain Direct3D filter performance improved.
Latest (August 2008 or later) DirectX required.
- In windowed mode all resolution or chipset/RTG mode switches
resize the window instead of window closing and opening.
- Aspect ratio setting added to RTG and filter panels.
- Window resize enabled in windowed mode (chipset mode).
- Added Picasso96 option "Always scale in windowed mode" which enables
window resizing and disables automatic resize. Keeps aspect ratio
- Only reset fullscreen mode when resolution or depth changes.
- On the fly USB mouse/joystick insert/removal does not modify
currently selected input device(s) in Ports-panel.
- Enable ini-mode (registry replacement) if .ini
(without .exe) is found. Previously always used winuae.ini.

And more. Originally 1.5.1 was planned to be "1.5.0 bug fix" update only..


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geschrieben 08. September 2008 - 15:28

WinUAE 1.5.2 (05.09.2008)

Major 1.5.1 bug fixed:

- Random crashing if USB mouse or joystick inserted.

Other bugs fixed:

- Only titlebar was visible if minimized window was restored.
- Bottom part of display was not updated in bigger than display RTG modes.
- uae-configuration/uaectrl didn't always work.
- Bsdsocket emulation was not initialized in some configurations.
- Catweasel MK4 joystick/mouse compatibility improved.
- uaescsi.device media change didn't update all geometry parameters.
- Sound mute on/off inputevent fixed.

New features:

- Store relative ROM paths in ini-file mode.
- OpenAL sound support (experimental).


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DDL ZIP Version

#19 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 10. November 2008 - 15:46

WinUAE 1.5.3 (09.11.2008)

Major 1.5.x bug fixes:

- Huge memory leak when switching between RTG and native modes.
- Writing to disk images didn't work in some games.
- Configuration cache missing files in subdirectories.
- Random freeze when switching to fullscreen modes that are smaller
than desktop resolution.
- Second and third mouse/firebutton handling fix (Aladdin, BC.Kid
and more)

Other bugs fixed:

- "Always on top", "No taskbar button" and fullscreen color depth
change works on the fly.
- OpenGL fullscreen fixed.
- Parallel/Serial/MIDI select menus and Input-panel bottom options
didn't work correctly.
- System clock run slightly too fast or slow if chipset refresh rate
was different than startup refresh rate (really old bug).
- OCS NTSC configuration defaulted to PAL refresh rate.
- Real PCMCIA SRAM card re-insert detection fixed.
- Fullscreen RTG 16-bit to 32-bit desktop windowed mode switch
(CTRL+F12) color errors fixed.

New features:

- Basic file association settings added to GUI (.uae, .adf etc..)
- RTG vertical blank wait uses interrupts, no more busy waiting. Should
improve performance in many fullscreen RTG games.
- Added RTG virtual refresh rate configuration to GUI.
- Added RTG refresh rate next to chipset refresh rate FPS counter.
- Undocumented OCS "scanline" feature emulated (Ode to Ramon I and II)
- Midline resolution change improvements (still far from perfect,
Disposable Hero, Innovation Part 2)
- Only accept current latest OpenAL32.dll or newer (old versions can
cause crashes during device enumeration)
- Improved emulation of reads from write-only custom registers
(S.E.X. / Fantasys)
- Syncronize Clock stability improved.


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geschrieben 23. Mai 2009 - 10:58

WinUAE 1.6.0 released (21.05.2009)

New features:

- Very popular request: automatic display scaling/window resizing!
(not compatible with all programs) Option in Filter-panel.
- PAL/NTSC vertical size change emulated in filter modes.
- Transparent clipboard sharing between Amiga clipboard.device and
Windows clipboard, both Amiga->Windows and Windows->Amiga supported.
Text and images supported, HAM6/8 automatically converted to 24-bit
image, EHB converted to 64-color image. Images with less than 256
colors images converted to standard IFF, higher color images converted
to 24-bit IFF. Text converted to plain text, formatting possible in
- "Interlace fixer", interlaced screens are now rock solid, all interlace
artifacts will be gone. (this feature isn't same as scandoubler or
flickerfixer and not compatible with most games)
- VirtualPC VHD dynamic harddisk image support (dynamic = empty hardfile
is very small, size grows automatically when more data gets written)
- Custom chipset emulation updates, horizontally mixed lores and hires
modes work and more (for example Disposable Hero titlescreen is
finally perfect, Oops Up ray color issue)
- Mouse emulation rewritten (Oil Imperium pipelining minigame)
- 10 sector and 81/82 track PC/Atari ST disk images supported.
- Diskspare disk images supported.
- OCS/ECS "7-planes" mode fully implemented (4 normal bitplanes + 2
static 16-bit patterns for planes 5 and 6) 1st Anniversary by Lazy
Bones has 100% correct display now.
- SuperHires supprted in lores and filtered lores modes.
- 320x256, 640x512, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 always added to RTG
mode list (320x200 and 320x240 was already available previously)
- RTG mode vertical blanking interrupt implemented without busy
waiting, interrupt rate added, configuration added to GUI.
- Filter multiplier select boxes now support manually entered
multipliers, for example 2.5 = 2.5x. Aspect ratio correction added.
- Full drawing tablet support. (must be wintab compatible)
- "Magic mouse" mode improvements.
- Parallel port joystick adapter configuration added to Gameports panel
(Much easier and quicker than using Input panel configuration)
- Input device type (mouse, digital joystick, analog joystick, lightpen
etc..) selection added to Gameports panel. (Less need for complex
Input panel configuration)
- WinUAE is now unicode Windows application, added full unicode support
to configuration files. (backwards compatibility still maintained)
- PortAudio v19 audio library support. ASIO, WDM-KS (Windows XP low
level sound API), WASAPI (Vista low level sound API), lower latency
sound. NOTE: WDM-KS is unstable in current PortAudio version.
- Added new 64-bit seek and size dos packets to filesystem emulation.
- ICD AdIDE "scrambled" IDE disk and hardfile format supported, also
includes automatic byteswap detection.
- Include some monitor unsupported modes in display modes list because
some drivers lists custom modes as unsupported with current monitor
(even if they work just fine..)
- ASCII-only and experimental Epson matrix printer emulation added, do
not print anything if less than 10 bytes received.
- Added support for Windows Recent Documents/Windows 7 Jump Lists.

1.5.3 bug fixes:

- Random CD32 pad button events without enabled pad.
- Mid horizontal line graphics mode change fix (for example Cover Girl
Strip Poker)
- ECS Agnus 0.5M+0.5M "1M chip" mirror works again (Move Any Mountain)
- Rainbow Islands one missing horizontal line fixed.

Other bug fixes:

- Directory filesystem bug fixes (very old bugs), ACTION MODE CHANGE
fixed, also fixed case that caused lost file comments, show >2G files
as 2G - 1 instead of showing "random" 32-bit truncated value.
- HAM mode graphics errors if left border was not fully visible.
- Some crashing bugs fixed.
- uaeserial.device unit 10 or larger works now.
- Early boot menu PAL/NTSC switching works properly, previously only
worked after reset.
- CD32 CD emulation is now compatible with newer cd.device (comes
with FMV cartridge boot ROM)
- KS loader 16-bit odd/even ROM image to 32-bit merging fixed.
- A1000 bootstrap ROM in even/odd format loading fixed.
- Another non-interlace to interlace switch graphics corruption fixed.
- Sprite graphics garbage appeared in some rare cases.
- Restoring statefile without GUI enabled emptied all floppy drives.
- lha extended datestamps fixed. 7zip updated, datestamps supported.
- Recursive archives as a harddrive support improved.
- RTG display refresh crash in some specific situations.
- Switching cycle-exact mode on the fly sometimes freezed the blitter.
- Screenshots in windowed D3D modes fixed.
- 100% stereo separation was not working properly.
- Much improved sound stability/syncronization.

and (too) much more.

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geschrieben 19. Juni 2009 - 11:33

WinUAE 1.6.1 released (18.06.2009)

1.6.0 bugs fixed:

- ASPI uaescsi.device emulation crash.
- Directory harddrive Windows illegal character handling fixed.
- Magic mouse fixed.
- Loading configuration file from command line with GUI enabled didn't
override Quickstart configuration if Quickstart mode was enabled.
- Gzip decompression fixed.
- Few remaining unicode conversion issues fixed.

Other bug fixes:

- Warp mode in fullscreen mode was not much faster in some situations.
- Direct3D scanlines work correctly again.
- Bsdsocket emulation crash when closing socket in some situations.
- Vsync with "unmatched" refresh rates was not adjusted correctly.

New features:

- Added disk image and configuration file icons, file extension
association improved.
- Added button/key toggle mode to Input panel.

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geschrieben 14. Dezember 2009 - 16:33

WinUAE 2.0.0 (13.12.2009)

Main new features:

- Huge A500 cycle exact mode compatibility improvement.
- Improved unexpanded A1200/CD32 emulation compatibility.
Approximate cycle-exact 68EC020/68020 emulation implemented, includes
emulated 68020 instruction cache, approximate prefetch emulation.
- 68040 MMU emulation (from Aranym) For example Enforcer and M68K Linux
compatibility. Not compatible with JIT.
- A2065 Zorro II hardware ethernet card emulation.

Other updates:

- CD32 drive emulation compatibility improved, includes animation CD
- Old game protection dongles emulated (Leaderboard, Robocop3, etc..)
- Built-in Vista/Windows 7 WASAPI sound API support.
- Real harddrive safetycheck only complains if drive is mounted
read-write and has mounted Windows partitions.
- Full NTSC timing implemented (long/short line toggle etc..)
- "AutoVSync" mode that change native refresh rates automatically.
- Basic CPU frequency/bus multiplier configuration option added.
- Gayle IDE emulation compatibility improved.
- Single sided PC/Atari ST disk images supported.
- AVI and wave sound recording improved.
- File paths support http, https and ftp protocols.
- Automatic split DMS support.
- File dialog file type setting is stored to registry/ini.
- Display width is not anymore restricted to values divisible by eight.
- Bsdsocket emulation MSG_WAITALL implemented, CVS compatibility fix.
- Uaescsi.device TD_REMOVE implemented.
- DMA cycle debugger implemented.
- RTG screen mode on-screen leds.
- "Add PC drives at startup" does not mount drives that are also
configured as real harddrives.

Bugs fixed:

- Programmed refresh (non-PAL or NTSC) rate modes had bad sound.
- Right border background color error in some programs.
- On the fly USB input device insert changed unrelated keyboard layout
- Non-DMA mode sprites work again (broke long time ago)
- 5.1 sound mode had wrong center and sub mixing ratio.
- CD32 pad default mapping green and yellow, RDW and FFW reversed.
- Uaescsi.device TD_GETGEOMETRY off by one error and no media status fixed.
- Directory filesystem ACTION_FH_FROM_LOCK notification bug fixed.
- Some types of serial ports were not detected.
- Randomly appearing single jumping black scanline finally fixed.
- Command line quote parsing was not compatible.
- Mouse didn't capture properly in mouse driver (tablet) mode.
- Directory harddrive duplication was possible in configuration file if
path included national characters.

and much more than ever before..


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geschrieben 28. Juni 2010 - 18:41

WinUAE 2.2.0 released (28.06.2010)

Major Game Ports and Input GUI update (finally!):

- Quick and easy Game Ports input event remapping support.
- Test mode, check built-in or custom key mappings quickly.
- Also includes simple autofire configuration.
- Game Ports mappings are always merged with Input panel configuration modes (*).
For example when configuring a game pad, you can use Game Ports GUI for basic
configuration and remap extra buttons using Input GUI.
- Input GUI also includes quick test and remap options. Press any key,
joystick or mouse axis or button and selected input target will be
instantly ready for remapping, no more slow and manual searching.
- "Windows mouse" not supported in test or remap modes.

*) Possible compatibility issue with old configuration files in Configuration
#1-3 mode. Workaround: set Game Ports mouse and joystick to none.

Other new features:

- (Pointless) Max 1G Chip RAM support.
- 7zip SDK updated, XZ and PPMD decompression support added.
- Triple/Double/No buffering option added to GUI.
- NTSC checkbox added to Quickstart GUI.
- WASAPI and PortAudio volume control support.
- 68030 data cache emulated (mostly useless currently).
- Save state when emulator is quit configuration file option.
- Show information window while scanning for ROMs.
- Monitor "bezel" overlay image support (configuration file only).
- Floppy sound channel mask (configuration file only).

Bugs fixed:

- CD32 on the fly CD changes, both images and real CDs.
- Autoscale top border position was incorrect in some situations.
- Directory filesystem crash in some situations when attempting
to open non-existing files or directories.
- INTREQR returned bit 15 set in some situations.
- GUI custom CPU frequency was read incorrectly.
- More 68020 "cycle exact" timing fixes (interrupts and blitter).
- 68000 cycle exact too slow CIA interrupt timing.
- Audio filter emulation didn't always follow power led state correctly.
- Amiga to Windows clipboard image sharing failed to convert some image types.


- Direct3D shader mode is more compatible with Intel integrated graphics cards.
- Custom chipset compatibility updates (for example Roots 2.0 / Sanity)
- 68020 "cycle exact" mode improvements.
- Direct3D "none" filter allows again all filter setting adjustments.
- On screen Power LED fade emulation improved.

and more, check winuaechangelog.txt for (technical) details.


DDL Setup Version
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Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dat-Katzer bearbeitet: 28. Juni 2010 - 18:43

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geschrieben 24. September 2010 - 15:37

WinUAE 2.3.0 released (24.09.2010)

New features:

- CDTV and CD32 subchannel hardware emulation, CD+G audio CDs supported.
- CDTV statefile support.
- FLAC compressed CD audio tracks supported (cue+flac or cue+iso+flac).
- Automatic center, max fullscreen and tv-like fullscreen options added.
- uaescsi.device SCSI emulation, including full CD audio support.
- Pause uaescsi.device CD audio when emulation is paused or GUI is open.
- Support for configuration file delayed CD image insert, for example CD32 games
F17 Challenge and Last Ninja crash if booted before CD32 boot screen appears...
- Right and bottom border, if outside of display area, is blanked instead of filling
with current border color.
- Full "Portable"/USB key mode (-portable command line parameter) and relative path support.
- Borderless/minimal/normal windowed mode option.


- CD/CD image handling rewrite:
* .ccd/.img/.sub and .mds/.mdf v1 image files supported.
* Subchannel support (CDTV/CD32 CD+G).
* Audio tracks fully supported.
* SCSI emulation, CD images and non-SPTI mode full uaescsi.device CD audio support,
most common CD SCSI commands emulated. SCSI emulation enabled by default.
* Near-instant compressed (mp3/flac) CD audio and zipped CD image startup time.
* More reliable CD/CD image and CD image/real drive on the fly change support.
- CD32/CDTV more accurate CD audio and animation streaming.
- Rawinput keyboard handling improved.
- Cycle exact audio and disk DMA sequencer, Paula DMA request line timing fully emulated,
(previously DMA accesses were "immediate", all other timing was already exact)
- Direct3D bezel overlays and "old" overlays separated, bezel overlays
are in overlays-directory, old overlays should be renamed as masks.
- Direct3D bezel automatic display area detection and aspect ratio correction.
- Disk images inside archives are automatically "extracted" to Disk Swapper
and floppy drive paths when dragged and dropped.
- 68000 and 68020 cycle exact CPU timing updates.
- 68040 MMU emulation compatibility improved, Linux and NetBSD confirmed working.
- Keyboard led handling improved.

2.2 bugs fixed:

- Triple/double/single buffer option was not saved to configuration file.
- Autovsync didn't work.
- Rawinput GUI F12 key ignored window focus.
- Gameports panel joystick/mouse type (mouse,joystick,analog joystick,..)
was ignored when configuration file was loaded.

Other bugs fixed:

- Direct3D 2x+ shader filter bad image quality.
- CDTV CD timecode (Built-in CD player time counter).
- CD32 CD end of play notification only worked if play was last sent CD command. (Fightin Spirit)
- CD32 CD audio status reporting when attempting to play data tracks (Mission Impossible 2025)
- CD32 pad 2-button mode fixes (F17 Challenge, Quik The Thunder Rabbit, ATR)
- Audio length detection error if MP3 audio tracks had checksummed frames.
- Built-in image mounter CD audio timecode offset fixed.
- Z3/RTG RAM leak when restarting.
- Direct3D scanlines can be (finally) enabled on the fly.
- Configuration file cdimage0=:\ at startup didn't work.
- Dynamic hardfiles didn't work reliably with DirectSCSI filesystems.
- Dynamic hardfile data corruption if physical file size grew over 4G.
- Some demos had blank display (broke in 2.0 Denise updates).
- Transparent clipboard support crash fixes.
- Initial ROM scan didn't detect Amiga Forever rom keys correctly.
- Joystick axis bogus autofire in some situations when remapping joysticks.
- Rawinput was not enabled if only one (physical or logical) keyboard was detected.
- RTG mouse cursor problem in D3D mode with enabled filter.
- RTG 8-bit fullscreen mode color error in some situations.
- Miscellaneous custom chipset and disk emulation tweaks.
- RTS and RTD odd address check was missing, fixes also mysterious JIT crashes.
- Epson printer emulation multiple page printing fixes.
- plugin directory detection problems.
- Rar archive crash.
- ~1.5G Z3 Fast RAM works again (64-bit host OS only)

and more..


DDL Setup Version
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geschrieben 02. März 2011 - 13:29

WinUAE 2.3.1 released (26.02.2011)

New features:

- Gamepad joystick type for games that support 2nd fire button but
can't read it without pullup resistor. (for example Aladdin)
- Manual filter configuration fully implemented.
- Autoresolution supported (automatically selects lowest used
resolution on the fly)
- MIDI device names are stored in configuration file.


- Custom chipset undocumented feature compatibility updates.
(For example Magic Demo / Diabolics, MoreNewStuffy by PlasmaForce,
Kefrens Party Intro by Wiz)
- M68K AROS compatible IDE and RTG emulation.
- Statefile compatiblity updates. (Initial audio glitches, mouse
counters updated correctly, CPU exact mid-instruction state saved,
active disk DMA state saved)
- New filter defaults, 1x (not FS) and always scale if selected
screen/window size is very small or large enough.
- Auto resize and center filter modes 1x/2x.. modifiers now
adjust window size.
- Attempt to load disk image and harddisk paths in state files from
current directory, current adf/hardfile path and finally state
file directory if original path or file is missing.
- SCSI emulation physical drive tray load/eject passthrough.
- SCSI emulation CD audio support improved.
(for example T-Zero and The Shadow of the Third Moon)
- Clipboard sharing disable option in GUI.

2.3.0 bugs fixed:

- Audio pitch errors if audio period rate was near minimum audio
DMA limit.
- Very heavy CPU usage if program continuously plays really short
audio samples.
- ROM scanner again detects *.rom files in root directory.
- Sample ripper works again.

Bugs fixed:

- Directory filesystem was slow on most modern multicore systems.
- CDTV CDA playback didn't work if play ending track was set to
last track. (Prehistorik CDTV)
- 2352 byte sector plain ISO images didn't mount correctly.
- Some drives had problems reading Mode 2 Form 1 data tracks.
- SPTI+SCSI SCAN didn't detect any non-CD devices (broke in 2.2.1)
- Automatic resize filter didn't always work correctly.
- Topmost scanline was usually not visible in autoscale modes.
- GamePorts parallel port joystick configuration crash fix.
- Random RTG color errors when switching to/from fullscreen 8-bit
RTG modes.
- Archive mounting crashed if something prevented complete unpack
(for example non-dos dms image file)
- Harddrive state files didn't save correctly if more than one
harddrive was configured.
- A2065 Z2 board emulation fixes. (Lost interrupts, broadcast
packets getting ignored, transmitter dropping big packets.)
- A500 power led fade tricks really work now.
- HRTMon didn't work in cycle-exact modes.

And more...


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#26 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 03. Juni 2011 - 15:45

WinUAE 2.3.2 released (02.06.2011)

New features:

- AROS ROM replacement development snapshot included, replaces old
very basic ROM replacement feature, used by default if official
KS ROM is not found.
- New autofire option. Button released = autofire. Button pressed = normal
non-autofire firebutton.
- Stop the CPU and wait until blitter has finished if any blitter register
is accessed while blitter is busy and CPU mode is fastest possible.
Better workaround than immediate blitter for programs that have blitter
wait bugs with fast CPU.
- Serial port telnet server.


- Disk emulation accuracy improved
(Codertrash / Mexx, El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite)
- CIA timer undocumented startup delays emulated (Risky Woods sound
- win32.floppy_path and win32.hardfile_path really works as expected.
- Display panel refresh rate accepts non-integer values.

Bug fixes:

- Implemented workaround that should fix Direct3D blank screen problem.
- Sample ripper crash.
- 68000 exception 3 emulation fixed again. (Broke compatibility with some
very old copy protections, for example Soldier of Light and Zoom!)
- Reset bug that broke Arcadia mode, A1000 mode and Action Replay ROMs.
- Automatic resolution switch interlace detection was unreliable.
- CD32 early boot menu is accessible again.
- Rare crash when switching from fullscreen RTG mode to native mode.
- Borderblank chipset feature didn't work in ECS Denise mode.
- Possible input configuration corruption due to uninitialized variable.
- Color change table overflow crash that can happen when emulated
program crashes really badly.


DDL Setup Version
Zip Archive

#27 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

  • Gruppe: aktive Mitglieder
  • Beiträge: 255
  • Beigetreten: 06. Januar 05
  • Reputation: 0

geschrieben 20. Mai 2013 - 09:51

WinUAE 2.6.0 (16.05.2013)

New features:

- Full 68030, 68040 and 68060 MMU emulation. Amix, Linux, NetBSD, Enforcer,
WHDLoad MMU option and more fully working.
- Game Ports panel Remap GUI rewritten, more intuitive, supports manually
added events.
- SCSI and ATAPI (IDE) CD drive emulation.
- Built-in full CHD CD and HD image support. HD image support is read-only.
- Partial partition hardfile on the fly eject/replacement support, requires
filesystem that has removable drive support.
- Multiple Direct3D shader filters can be enabled simultaneously, optionally
shader can be now run after scaling and filtering.
- Directory filesystem shortcut (.lnk) and symbolic links are mapped to
Amiga soft links.
- Added support for mountlist-like hardfile configuration files.
- 100Hz+ vsync mode black frame insertion support, reduces LCD motion blur.


- A590/A2091/A3000 SCSI emulation compatibility improved. (Amix, NetBSD etc..)
- A2065 network adapter compatibility improved. (Early NetBSD versions)
- Multithreaded IDE and SCSI emulation, slow read or write operations won't
temporarily pause the emulation anymore.
- When CPU double faults, emulated CPU is halted instead of forcing instant
emulated hardware reset.
- Custom chipset emulation improved.
- Full Amiga file timestamp resolution (1/50s) support on FAT directory
- Max supported resolution increased to 8192*8192 (NV Surround/AMD Eyefinity)
- CD32 CD detection works again in JIT mode.
- AROS ROM replacement updated.

Bug fixes:

- If display mode switched from RTG to native (or vice versa) and WinUAE window
had no focus: emulation incorrectly started receiving keyboard input.
- 1.5M chip ram option didn't work.
- GamePorts panel Swap Ports button cleared custom mappings.
- 68060 CPU and More compatible checked was unreliable.
- 68040/68060 no FPU/FPU disabled exception stack frame fixed.
- A2024 and Graffiti emulation memory leak fixed.
- FPU rounding mode was reset when using filters.
- Some USB game controllers had ghost events (move axis, button event is
triggered or vice versa)
- CD32 CDs with multiple tracks didn't boot.


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