Blue Screen Of Death -

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Blue Screen Of Death

#1 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 22. Januar 2011 - 18:57

Hi everyone,

I used a programm called Killdisk to delete the partitions on the hard drive of my laptop. However, when I try to install Windows XP created with Winfuture Iso Builder I get a blue screen of death after the first step (the hardwareconfiguration). I think after the hardwareconfiguration it is supposed to start the actual XP installation process, but apparantly it doesn't.

I have deleted and reinstalled XP succesfully before, so I really don't get why it won't work now. Can some please help me?


#2 Mitglied ist offline   NikiLaus2005 

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geschrieben 22. Januar 2011 - 19:40

It could easily be a CD-Error. What does the BSOD say?
Ich bin niklasR, sonst keiner!

Arbeiten tue ich mit dem MacBook, telefonieren mit dem Lumia und Fotos schieße ich mit Canon.

#3 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 22. Januar 2011 - 21:21

I've translated it from Dutch, so some sentences or words might not be the exact English wording:

A problem occured. Windows has been shut down to prevent any damage.


If this is the first time you see this screen with the stop-error, you should reboot your computer. If this screen shows again, these are the steps you should take:

Check if all new hardware and software are installed correctly.

If the problem(s) occurs again, you should delete or turn off all hardware and software. Turn BIOS-memory options (such as caching or creating shadowcopies) off.

If you want to use the Windows in safety mode, then do the following:
Reboot computer
Press F8 to select advanced reboot-options
Choose safety mode

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000006F (0x0000020, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

#4 Mitglied ist offline   NikiLaus2005 

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geschrieben 22. Januar 2011 - 22:06

Ok. 2 guesses:
Either try to burn the CD again or something in your pc (hdd, cd, dvd, etc.) might be broken)
And make sure to turn off all security and protections options in the bios as suggested in the error, and maybe there are other, virus, protections or so.
In most cases you have to press DEL or F2 while booting to get into the BIOS. That's all I can say, sry.
Ich bin niklasR, sonst keiner!

Arbeiten tue ich mit dem MacBook, telefonieren mit dem Lumia und Fotos schieße ich mit Canon.

#5 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 25. Januar 2011 - 18:28

I tried burning the dvd again, which only resulted in an 1.2 GB .iso file (contrary to the 600 MB file I had before, which used to work). Also, the laptop didn't recognize the disc after burning the new file. I checked the bios and changed things if necessary, but it didn't help.

The problem is that I can't do anyting with my laptop because KillDisk wiped it clean. If the blue screen of death had nothing to do with WinFuture, perhaps the problem lies with KillDisk.

#6 Mitglied ist offline   egal8888 

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geschrieben 25. Januar 2011 - 19:35

The problem is not Winfuture ISO Builder related.

It is most likely a missing SATA driver that is causing the BSOD.

To circumvent that error you have two possibilities that you might want to try out:

1. If you have an intel chipset, please download the matching SATA driver, unpack the .zip-file and integrate it into your Windows XP Setup CD using menu 6 (Controller driver) as shown in the picture below.

Angehängtes Bild: XIB_Schritt_6.jpg

2. Try setting your SATA-Controller to compatible mode in your BIOS.
After adjusting this setting your SATA Controller behaves as if it were an IDE Controller, for which Windows XP already has build in drivers. Therefore there is no need to integrate additional SATA drivers as mentioned in step 1.

#7 Mitglied ist offline   NikiLaus2005 

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geschrieben 25. Januar 2011 - 19:52

Beitrag anzeigenZitat (Flying_Doc: 25.01.2011, 19:28)

perhaps the problem lies with KillDisk.

Well, I don't think so. And I neither think its missing SATA-Drivers I think it would have been siad before of there were drivers missing - or the harddrive would simply not appear, bt it sounds like these steps were completed.

If it was KillDisk (which I actually don't know) I would try to format the harddrive with some other OS like ubuntu or so.
Have you tried to install Windows XP with the original retail-disk? If that works (or if you can go further in the installation) there was something wrong with your ISO-Builder-disk
Ich bin niklasR, sonst keiner!

Arbeiten tue ich mit dem MacBook, telefonieren mit dem Lumia und Fotos schieße ich mit Canon.

#8 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 25. Januar 2011 - 19:58

I used the matching SATA driver for creating the bootable XP disc, so unfortunatly that didn't work.

I tried to adjust the setting in the BIOS, but I can't find the option! Apparantly it is supposed to be under BIOS/Advanced/Drive configuration, etc. but I can't see the option 'Drive configuration'. Actually, I can't find it anywhere in the BIOS...

#9 Mitglied ist offline   egal8888 

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geschrieben 26. Januar 2011 - 15:18

Could you please give a more detailed description of your hardware.
It would also be good to know the manufacturer and the product name of your laptop.

At which point of the windows setup routine does the BSOD occur?
Has Windows Setup already copied several files to your HDD?

#10 _MagicAndre1981_

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geschrieben 26. Januar 2011 - 16:24

Beitrag anzeigenZitat (Flying_Doc: 22.01.2011, 21:21)

*** STOP: 0x0000006F (0x0000020

is this the correct number? I need the correct status code.

#11 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 26. Januar 2011 - 20:07


My laptop is a Medion MD98200
Intel® Pentium® dual-coreprocessor T2060
120 GB S-ATA hard drive
(Is that enough info or are you missing some?)

When a Windows XP is inserted and booted, it first shows a blue screen which (I believe) loads some hardware. After that, briefly a black screen is shown with an appearing and disappearing _ . Right after that, the BSOD appears.
So to answer your second question, I believe on that point Windows might have already copied some files to the HDD, but I'm not that technical so I'm not sure :(


Yes, that's the correct number. Perhaps a zero is missing (I didn't really count them all) but the '020' part is definitly right.

#12 _MagicAndre1981_

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geschrieben 26. Januar 2011 - 20:09

I need the complete code. Do you have dmp files in the folder C:\Windows\Minidump? If yes, zip them and upload the zip.

#13 Mitglied ist offline   Flying_Doc 

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geschrieben 26. Januar 2011 - 20:16

Well, this was the only info I got:

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000006F (0x0000020, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Besides, I can't do anything since the operating system won't load.

#14 _MagicAndre1981_

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geschrieben 27. Januar 2011 - 01:36

boot from a LiveCD like Knoppix and try to copy the dmp files.

#15 Mitglied ist offline   egal8888 

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geschrieben 27. Januar 2011 - 10:18

Beitrag anzeigenZitat (Flying_Doc: 26.01.2011, 20:07)

My laptop is a Medion MD98200
(Is that enough info or are you missing some?)

Thanks, that's enough.
Unfortunately there's no manual available for download. That's why I'm unsure if any settings that can be made to your BIOS according to your built in SATA controller.
From a research on the web I know that your laptop has an intel 945 series chipset, so that we can be sure that the SATA driver given in posting number 2 is correct.
The only thing you should make sure is, that you tagged all listed controller types in menu 6 of Winfuture ISO Builder. Otherwise the needed drivers won't be integrated in the end which can leed to a bluescreen like the one you described.

Beitrag anzeigenZitat (Flying_Doc: 26.01.2011, 20:07)

When a Windows XP is inserted and booted, it first shows a blue screen which (I believe) loads some hardware. After that, briefly a black screen is shown with an appearing and disappearing _ . Right after that, the BSOD appears.

At this point the windows setup routine has not copied any file to your HDD yet.
Windows Setup tries to start your identified hardware components, especially your built in controller to find your HDD. Further on Windows tries to find an already existing windows installation that resides on the found HDD. To get any information about the existing operating system, the Installation Routine reads the Registry files found in "Windows\System32\config".
If any of these files is corrupted, Windows Setup will show a blue screen similar or identical to the one you mentioned.
But, that would indicate that wipedisk did not completely clean your HDD.

Before following the next step, try the proposal from MagicAndre1981 and upload the latest dump file.

To make sure all data is erased, download i.e. DBAN, burn it to a blank disk and boot your laptop using that disk.
Choose your HDD and adjust the settings to use only single pass erasing.
After DBAN has finished you can be sure that all data has been erased.

Some other questions:
1. Which disk did you use to create your Windows Setup ISO? Did you use the Rescue CD belonging to your Medion Laptop or did you use an original Windows XP OEM disk without any preinstalled software and driver files?
2. Did you integrate any Service Packs?

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