Winuae 2.3.2 (02.06.2011) -

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Winuae 2.3.2 (02.06.2011) Amiga Emulator

#1 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 21. Februar 2006 - 17:03

WinUAE 1.2 (20.02.2006)

New features:

- New "lores filter" in GUI, fixes incorrect colors in programs that
use superhires trick (eg. Virtual Karting, demo Rest-2).
- Logitech G15 keyboard LCD support.
- FPU emulation updates and fixes.
- Ability to create 1:1 HDF from Amiga formatted harddisk.
- ProWizard module ripper updated to latest version.
- Display Filter panel updates, added 1x,2x,4x,6x,8x multipliers.
- PNG screenshots.
- Light pen hardware emulated. (but no trigger or cursor emulation yet)
- Manual language selection.

Bug fixes:

- Right border color problems finally fixed.
(Leander, T-Racer, Unreal etc..)
- Misc custom chipset emulation updates.
(Bubba'n'Stix second level, Cover Girl Strip Poker title screen,
Detonator, Thai Boxing, Wicked etc..)
- CIA TOD counter fix. (demo Harmony by Haujobb)
- Display was shifted by one pixel in lores-mode and horiz centering enabled.
- Overlay windowed mode one pixel position error.
- Swapped parallel port joystick adapter firebuttons.
- Toggling disk image's read-write status don't leave locked files anymore.
- Amiga Forever 2005 path detection should really work 100% now.
- Corrupted wav-files in 4-channel audio mode.


DDL Setup Version
Zip Archive

MFG Dat-Katzer

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dat-Katzer bearbeitet: 03. Juni 2011 - 15:44


#2 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 28. Juni 2006 - 16:15

WinUAE 1.3 (28.06.2006)

New and improved features:

- Input event recording and playback (WIP)
- PC floppy drive drive sound emulation :D
- Mousehack-"driver" build-in.
- PC DD and HD floppy image support.
- Added improved audio filter and interpolation code from uade
and other sound setting updates.
- Added build-in HRTMon debugger/monitor. (WIP)
- Action Replay for Amiga 1200 ROM image support.
- Arcadia emulation updates.
- Directory filesystem compatibility updates. (illegal characters in
directory names work better now, some protection flag tweaks,
more compatible disk capacity check if disk is very big,
compatibility issues with \\server\share-directories fixed)
- Debugger updates. (improved trainer search command, fa-command,
like in Action Replay, AGA color register dump etc..)

Bug fixes:

- Fix for random state restore freeze.
- AVIOutput crash, incorrect window size.
- Random Picasso96 screen mode switch crash.
- "Create hard disk imagefile"-option in harddisk settings fixed,
previously it usually created corrupt hardfiles..
- Fixed garbage lines when program mixed interlace and
non-interlace modes.
- D3D filter fullscreen freeze fixed.
- Priority-panel "pause emulation/disable sound output"-checkboxes
were not initialized correctly.

And more smaller (and maybe bigger) changes..


SETUP Version

ZIP Version

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dat-Katzer bearbeitet: 17. Juli 2006 - 13:38

#3 Mitglied ist offline   Kritikus 

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geschrieben 28. Juni 2006 - 21:30

Ist das Teil kostenlos?
Warum wird kein vernünftiger Text dazu verfasst?
"Wie menschlich Menschen sind, zeigt ihr Umgang mit der Muttersprache." (Friedrich Schiller)

#4 Mitglied ist offline   zippostar 

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geschrieben 28. Juni 2006 - 22:22

das teil ist kostenlos! nur die Kickstart nicht soviel ich weiß.

#5 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 17. Juli 2006 - 13:39

So nun sind die Dateien freigegeben und liegen zum DownLoad bereit ;-)

#6 Mitglied ist offline   ThreeM 

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geschrieben 19. Juli 2006 - 09:34

Also ich hab gestern von Version 1.0 auf 1.3 geupdatet. Kann es sein das Massiv an der emulation gedreht worden ist? Ich kann irgendwie 80% der configs für für diverse ADF´s kniggen. Emulation von Turrican 1+2 geht gar nicht mehr, bekomme immer ein Disk error, obwohl das image OK ist (habe nocmal ein image von der original disk abgezogen, und die vorher im A500+ getestet) keine chance.
Chuck Norris kann auch bei Winfuture klein geschriebene Themen erstellen!

#7 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 07. August 2006 - 13:38

WinUAE 1.3.1 (05.08.2006)

ChangeLog :

- Uaescsi.device freeze problem fixed.
- Boot freeze if A4000 ROM was used without AGA.
- Original extended ADF read bug.
- Larger than 1280 wide fullscreen modes work.
- Sound "led" filter configuration data was read incorrectly.
- AVIOutput does not split the AVI anymore when focus was lost.
- D3D filter fullscreen/windowed switching should not freeze anymore.
- Integrated mousehack access fault fixed.

New and improved features:

- AVIOutput codec settings stored in registry and other small tweaks.
- HRTMon updated to 2.30, WHDLoad-commands supported.
- Some custom chipset timing tweaks.

HomePage : Klick

DownLoad Setup Version : Klick

DownLoad ZIP Version : Klick

#8 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 04. September 2006 - 11:19

WinUAE 1.3.2 (03.09.2006)

ChangeLog :

WinUAE 1.3.x bugs fixed:

- Debug window won't open automatically anymore
- HRTMon keyboard layout and WHDLoad commands fixed

New features:

- Mouse Up/Down and Left/Right input destinations supported
- CD32 state save support (work in progress)
- A1000 Kickstart disk images can be used as a ROM image

HomePage : Klick

DownLoad Setup Version : Klick

DownLoad ZIP Version : Klick

#9 Mitglied ist offline   ThreeM 

  • Gruppe: aktive Mitglieder
  • Beiträge: 1.487
  • Beigetreten: 22. Februar 06
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  • Wohnort:Hamburg

geschrieben 04. September 2006 - 11:24

Thx für Info. Der Bug mit den ADF images wurde zum Glück superschnell behoben :)
Chuck Norris kann auch bei Winfuture klein geschriebene Themen erstellen!

#10 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 22. Oktober 2006 - 14:53

WinUAE 1.3.3 (22.10.2006)

ChangeLog :

Estimated release: November.

- big E-UAE merge, cleanups, optimizations etc..

Bug fixed:

- Reboot loop if RTG RAM without Z3 RAM enabled (1.3.2 bug)
- Hardfile TD_GETGEOMETRY buffer overflow fix
- RDB emulation failed to mount partition(s) if RDB had one or more
not needed filesystems and required FS was in ROM.
- Selecting "Mousehack mouse" crashed if HD emulation was not enabled.
- "Genlock connected" GUI checkbox fixed (1.3.2 bug)
- Clicking eject in GUI and immediately selecting another floppy image
enables delayed insert instead of immediately inserting the image.
- Input panel key mapped to reverted back to its default
mapping after saving and loading the configuration.

Major new features:

- Lightpen/lightgun emulation.
- Built-in 7zip decompression support.
- Sound emulation partially rewritten, better latency, possible
fix for scratchy sound on some systems. Sound emulation will be
automatically disabled when emulated audio subsystem is idle. Audio
status led implemented.
- Better DMS error handling, encrypted DMS files are transparently
- bsdsocket.library ReleaseCopyOfSocket() implemented (AmiVNC fixed)
- Improved AF rom.key support.
- ProWizard module ripper updated to latest version.
- 100% accurate sound emulation mode does not cause huge CPU usage
anymore with specific games, for example Paradroid 90 and Rambo 3.
- Automatic direct IO Catweasel MK4 support if no Windows driver
installed, CWMK4 can now be used under 64-bit Windows XP.

HomePage : Klick

DownLoad Setup Version : Klick

DownLoad ZIP Version : Klick

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dat-Katzer bearbeitet: 04. November 2006 - 20:20

#11 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 04. November 2006 - 20:20

So nun sind die Dateien freigegeben und liegen zum DownLoad bereit ;-)

#12 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 03. März 2007 - 17:53

WinUAE 1.4.0 (03.03.2007)

New features:

- CDTV emulation, including CD controller, internal SRAM and 64KB SRAM
expansion memory card support.
- More compatible SPTI CD32/CDTV CD support.
- Advanced Chipset configuration. Miscellaneous model specific
hardware configuration entries like real time clock chip type, CIA-A
TOD clock source, RAMSEY, FAT GARY register emulation..
- Rewritten harddisk configuration system. No more lost hardfile or
virtual directory configuration entries if path was missing..
- A3000/A4000 motherboard RAM bank support.
- Added Arcadia bios rom type selection.
- New Windows Vista -style application icon added :ph34r:
- Small CIA and custom chip emulation updates.

Bugs fixed:

- FPU emulation floating point to integer conversion fixed
(proper clamping instead of truncating)
- uaeserial.device compatibility improved
- New serial port detection didn't detect all types of serial ports
- Random sound errors after adjusting sound GUI setting on the fly
- Directory filesystem memory leaks fixed and compatibility improved
- It was not possible to disable keyboard layout C after enabling it.
- Sound panel settings were not always enabled correctly.
- -datapath command line parameter didn't work.
- Disk image drag and drop didn't work.
- Quickstart panel disk swapping is properly delayed again.
- Some Picasso96 display modes were not available.
- bsdsocket freeze fix (Aminetradio)
- Windows driver Catweasel support works again.
- "Faster RTG"-mode lockups fixed.
- External drive sound selection GUI didn't work if fdrawcmd.sys
was not installed.


DDL Setup Version

DDL ZIP Version

#13 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 18. März 2007 - 13:10

WinUAE 1.4.1 (18.03.2007)

Major bug fixed:

- Start-up crash introduced in 1.4.0.

Bugs fixed:

- Yet another bsdsocket crash fix.
- ASPI detection ignored NeroASPI, also ASPI detection was improved.
- Some interlaced programs had color stripes or wrong colors in right border.
- Picasso96 RTG RAM mapping error in non-JIT mode

New features:

- New input targets added. (disk swapper, input configuration 1-4)
- Quickstart-mode automatically selects best available CD access mode.
- Master (Windows main volume) volume control added to input targets.
- map "POV Hat"-type joypad control to joystick horizontal and vertical.


DDL Setup Version

DDL ZIP Version

#14 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 07. April 2007 - 13:40

WinUAE 1.4.2 (04.04.2007)

- Directory filesystem and Picasso96 statefile support.
- 68030 and 68060 (with FPU) emulation. (no MMU)
- 68881/68882 FPU type selectable (68020/68030 only)
- GUI debugger (WIP)
- new GUI font if running under Windows 2000/XP/Vista

and more..


DDL Setup Version

DDL ZIP Version

Estimated release date: May 2007 !!!!

#15 Mitglied ist offline   Dat-Katzer 

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geschrieben 05. Februar 2008 - 09:00

WinUAE 1.4.6 (02.02.2008)

1.4.6 will be the last version that runs on Windows 98/ME. Following
versions will require Windows 2000 or newer.

1.4.5 problems fixed:

- Mouse never capturing. (Windows 98/ME, rarely on W2K/XP)
- Some games crashing.
- Broken sprite outside playfields-feature and SWIV score information.
- Fullscreen mode with non-default refresh rate fallback problem.

Other bugs fixed:

- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation freeze if >2G drive/HDF.
- CDTV E.S.S. Mega "semi-hidden" track now loads properly on W2K/XP.
- Crash when switching between <=2MB Chip + Fast and >2MB Chip setting.
- Sound emulation tweak. (Dungeon Master II, perhaps some others)
- Unstable NMI (IRQ7) option in cycle-exact and more-compatible modes.
- "Full-window" mode didn't always allow Windows desktop RTG resolution.

New features:

- Inverted mouse and analog joystick input sources.
- Input device (USB joystick, mouse etc..) on the fly insertions and
removals supported. Device names saved to configuration file.
- Automatic joystick switching, firebutton 'inserts' any non-selected
joystick to Amiga joystick port, mouse port selected if second button
pressed or there is already other joystick in joystick port with
firebutton pressed.
- Dynamic JIT direct memory allocation. Increased Z3 and RTG maximum
sizes to 1G and 512M. (If at least 2G physical RAM)
- A3000 confirmed 2.04 ROM added to ROM scanner.
- CD32 FMV cartridge ROM added to ROM scanner. ROM and autoconfig
emulated. Overlay and video/audio decoder chips not emulated.
- Directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL implementation is now more
compatible with buggy programs.
- CIA/Gayle overlay emulation setting added to advanced chipset.
- Original early A1000 non-EHB Denise added to advanced chipset.
- Original A1000 (and early A2000) Agnus blitter busy bug added.
- Keyboard reset warning emulated and added to advanced chipset.
- Debugger improvements, hex/dec/bin converter, all commands that accept
numeric parameters also accept register names (RAx,RDx,PC,USP,VBR,..),
number prefixes supported, hex = 0x or $, bin = %, dec = !.
- 1M (both 0xe0/0xf8 and 0xf0/0xf8) and 2M (0xa8/0xb0/0xe0/0xf8) ROM
image support.
- Implemented "stretch to fullscreen" filtering option.


DDL Setup Version

DDL ZIP Version

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