So Richtig kann ich mir da kein reim draus machen, die kommen auch bei völlig blanken Vistainstallationen:
00:48:45:620 : DEBUG: Cleaning working path in a new thread
00:48:45:745 : DEBUG: Failed to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\lpksetup with error 3
00:48:45:995 : License "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed" queried, value: "1"
00:48:46:182 : PERF: Enumerating installed languages - ENTER
00:48:46:323 : LanguagePack de-DE created.
00:48:46:432 : type: MUI
00:48:46:557 : identity: Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~de-DE~6.0.6000.16386
00:48:46:682 : cab file: (null)
00:48:46:807 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package is not a language type package
00:48:46:979 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-HomePremiumEdition is not a language type package
00:48:47:104 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package is not a language type package
00:48:47:229 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package is not a language type package
00:48:47:354 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package is not a language type package
00:48:47:479 : DEBUG: Microsoft-Windows-Printing-XPSServices-Package is not a language type package
00:48:47:635 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB905866 is not a language type package
00:48:47:760 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB929399 is not a language type package
00:48:47:885 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB929685 is not a language type package
00:48:48:010 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB929735 is not a language type package
00:48:48:135 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB930857 is not a language type package
00:48:48:260 : DEBUG: Package_1_for_KB931573 is not a language type package
00:48:48:385 : DEBUG: Package_for_KB928089 is not a language type package
00:48:48:510 : DEBUG: Package_for_KB932246 is not a language type package
00:48:48:635 : PERF: Enumerating installed languages - LEAVE
00:48:48:760 : INFO: There are no languages to cleanup
00:48:48:885 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - ENTER
00:48:49:010 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - LEAVE
00:48:49:135 : DEBUG: Cleaning working path in a new process
00:48:49:479 : DEBUG: Cleaning working path in the calling thread
00:48:49:604 : DEBUG: Failed to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\lpksetup with error 3
00:48:49:760 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - ENTER
00:48:49:885 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - LEAVE
Weiß jemand was?
In der Ereignisanzeige gibt’s keine Warnung und der gleichen, nur folgendes:
Dieser Beitrag wurde von e-hahn bearbeitet: 26. März 2007 - 01:17