Nvu 1.0 Final Jetzt Auch In Deutsch Kostenloser WYSIWYG-HTML-Editor
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 13:36
Lizenztyp: Open Source
Homepage: http://www.nvu-composer.de
Download ZIP-Version: http://www.nvu-composer.de/nvude/1.0/win32...win32-de-DE.zip
Download Installer-Version: http://www.nvu-composer.de/nvude/1.0/win32...aller-de-DE.exe
Deutsche Sprachdatei: http://www.nvu-composer.de/nvude/1.0/xpi/n...gpack-de-DE.xpi
Wörterbücher: http://nvuext.mozdev...stallation.html
#2 _gani7777_
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 13:38
Dieser Beitrag wurde von gani7777 bearbeitet: 29. Juni 2005 - 13:38
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 13:49
Zitat (gani7777: 29.06.2005, 14:38)
Ja, aber da ist noch auf die englische Version verlinkt.
#4 _gani7777_
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 13:56
Zitat (swissboy: 29.06.2005, 14:49)
Stimmt , Danke für den Hinweis.
Man konnte aber die Sprachdatei mit runterladen , sodass die englische Version wieder Deutsch spricht
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 13:58
Zitat (gani7777: 29.06.2005, 14:56)
Die Sprachdatei funktionierte aber nicht weil so noch vom Prewiev Release war.
Dieser Beitrag wurde von swissboy bearbeitet: 29. Juni 2005 - 13:59
#6 _gani7777_
geschrieben 29. Juni 2005 - 14:04
Zitat (swissboy: 29.06.2005, 14:58)
Ok , werde mir dann die deutsche Version runterladen.
geschrieben 28. Juli 2006 - 10:02
HTML Editor
* fixed: the HTML 4.01 doctype is now standard (instead of quirks)
* fixed: the editor correctly selects a tab when re-loading a file that's currently edited
* fixed: the editor correctly updates the window title when closing a tab (avoids crashes)
* added: it's always possible to revert the current page
* fixed: the PHP/Comment dialog is resizable
* fixed: the current page is marked as modified after changing a PHP/Comment
* added: the format toolbar has been splitted in two
* added: relativize local URLs in the markup cleaner
* TODO: option to launch the markup cleaner before saving/publishing
* added: show id/class attributes in the status bar
* fixed: id/class attributes can be properly removed with the status bar context menu
* fixed: inline style dialogs have a localized title
* fixed: doctype prefs are kept when a new document is created
CSS Editor
* fixed: the CSS Editor becomes a real dialog box (with a OK/Cancel buttons)
* fixed: the CSS Editor fits on an SVGA screen (800*600), even on MacOS X
* added: graphical toolbar buttons
* added: 'modified' flags on stylesheets
* added: edit style rules in text mode (CSS Editor / Advanced properties)
* added: keyboard shortcut (F11) to open the CSS Editor
* fixed: external stylesheets can be saved on the hard disk
* fixed: better serialization of CSS files
* fixed: real-time preview
* fixed: lots of UI bugs
Site Manager
* TODO: when a file is dropped onto the main panel, a relative reference is created
* TODO: local files are allowed
* TODO: more file types (with custom extension list)
* TODO: external application support
* TODO: preferences tab
Dieser Beitrag wurde von Jammer bearbeitet: 28. Juli 2006 - 10:02
geschrieben 25. Februar 2010 - 03:41
KompoZer 0.8b2
Bug Fixes
We've tried to solve the most frequently reported bugs:
* the CSS Editor shouldn't add those annoying "*|" strings in the selectors any more
* the preview in the "Image Properties" box now works properly
* better FTP support (right-click in the Site Manager context menu)
* the markup cleaner doesn't crash on nested lists any more
* Enter in a paragraph now creates a new paragraph
* the "Credits" panel in the About box is back
KompoZer 0.8b2 is now a more reliable editor: the regressions in the CSS editor were a complete blocker for myself, so I guess it's been a real nightmare for most users. We've fixed a lot of small bugs and I think the overall user experience should be much better than with the previous versions.
Der Download ist in Deutsch.
Dieser Beitrag wurde von HS-TGO bearbeitet: 25. Februar 2010 - 03:46
geschrieben 03. März 2010 - 11:41
- bug #2957813, the "Source" mode was not applying modifications properly
- bug #2959534, the "class" drop-down list was broken by a dirty attempt to make it UTF8-friendly
We've spent a few hours designing a bash/python script to make localized binaries for the 18 languages that are currently supported by KompoZer. This script works fine on Linux and OSX and it can build win32 installers by launching the InnoSetup compiler through Wine. It also checks that I haven't forgotten to include the MSVC7 DLLs in the win32 binaries, which should avoid us a few bad surprises for the next releases…
For the next beta we'll focus on the "Source" view and the FTP module. We'll do our best to release it in March.
geschrieben 03. März 2010 - 13:45
Es wird leider immernoch CSS in HTML hineingeschustert anstatt dieses mal auszulagern.
Wem's nicht störrt oder nur mal ebend auf die Schnelle eine Seite im Tabellenlayout haben möchte ist dies eine sehr zu empfehlende Alternative zu manch einem kostenpflichtigen Tool.